Monday, December 3, 2007

Glad my roommate's not a goat

I have, of late, found myself pondering over what life would be like for my roommate if she had myotonia congenita. To fully appreciate this consideration, you must understand that my roommate is one of the most easily startled people in existence. A careless snap of the fingers would certainly cause her to jump, and I don’t care to discuss here what would happen if an explosion were to occur in her presence. Which is why even a minor case of myotonia congenita could be devastating to my roommie. Can you imagine how many complete strangers would have to pick her up off the street? Or how awkward her date would feel after his sneeze caused her to plunge face first into her food? Or how Builder would be suddenly filled with an inexplicable yet inordinate number of “l’s” or whatever key she hit on her way down?
To better understand what life might be like for my roommate if she had myotonia congenita, please watch this movie, which chronicles the woes of goats that also happen to have this disease. True, goats do not have as much to lose as does my roommate; however, I think you may get a fair glance, and feel sorry for her should she ever contract said disease.


zlb said...

i love those goats!!! and is your roommate thelma? I think reuben almost gave her a heart attack at least 50,000 times. and I'm not at all surprised we are the same in all personality quizzes!!! twins forever!!!

Heather Sanders said...

My roommate is not Thelma, although I'm sure she would give almost as good a show...

Schlofmans said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I love this post! It is very funny! And these goats are found in Florida...maybe I'll get one as a pet and you can play with it when you get here! How fun would that be?!