Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wide open spaces

Lest you think that I have abandoned my blog for some petty purpose, I am including some pictures of the Wild West, which (as luck would have it) precluded my ability to post anything. I am also posting these pictures in case any of us in DC have momentarily forgotten that such places and animals still exist.
*Also, it seems that I have acquired a baby. No explanation.


chelsea mckell said...

That is a buffalo walking down the highway.
I love it.

M. said...

1) Who's baby is that?
2) I miss your family!!
3) *sigh* I forget such places exist!! I miss it.

I am glad you had fun, and we'll have fun this weekend, yeah PA/NY!! :)

Heather Sanders said...

Actually, Chelsea: that is a bison. You really should know the difference by now. Mel, that cute little thing in my arms is Ryan and Jodi's boy, Cohen. I can't claim him, although I did get to hold him for a good portion of the vacation.

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

Heather! Are you in Utah? Well, if you are, then I want to see you!!! Katie and I are getting together this sunday for a BBQ in Heber if you are going to be around and are interested! I hope I can see you because I miss that cute little freckled face!

ashsan said...

um, there seems to be a FAMILY MEMBER missing in one of the pics. Just sayin' is all.

mangrumminute said...

At first I thought your mom was one of the kids, she looks great. How far west are you coming? California?!!?

Anderson's said...

Those are such cute pictures. I love the picture of you and grandma. It was so fun to see you and thanks for helping with Cohen-if there is anyway you can come to Cali we would love it!

A said...

i really can't believe you came yo yellowstone and didn't call me. well i guess i can...but don't really want to.