Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's getting religious in here

The relationship between God and gasoline has - from the looks of things - grown quite strong. I don't know if it's the alliteration that people like, or if there is some deeper reason. The owner of the gas station down the street from my house was apparently in quite a pickle over whether he should become a preacher or start up a gas station. In the end, I suppose, he decided that he need not choose one or the other. Quite naturally, the two suit one another. And so we Silver Spring-ites are the benefactors of an outdoor chapel that happens to sell gasoline. While pumping, you can enjoy spiritual quotes on the marquee, Jesus fish on the pumps, and good old gospel tunes.

In other news, some people are taking this relationship to a new level. They have created a religious movement called Pray at the Pump. Skeptical that Congress has any power to change the gas situation, they are appealing to the authority when they pump. Now that prices have dropped a little, they will be holding praise services. And, of course, they won't neglect to pray for further price drops.


M. said...

haa! remember there sign too "congrats Armondo and Jorge, American Citizens!"
where is this pray at the pump happening?! craziness ;)

Debbie said...


chelsea mckell said...

Whoops! I was logged in under my familys blog... that last comment was from Chelsea!

Anonymous said...

Gas prices are going down? Never thought I would see the day.

Irene said...

Hola friend! Tengo que decirte que eres genial y que espero ahora poder estar más en contacto contigo. Un besazo!

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

The words coming out of my mouth at the pump are too vulgar to pray.

Anonymous said...

pray at the pump. ingenious. i'm bringing it to slc.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

chelsea mckell said...

Smeaths - ignore that weird comment from "Anonymous." I received one exactly like it. I'm guessing some sort of scam.