Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm in love

My first hint that I would fall irreparably in love came my first day in my neighborhood. I was driving, trying to maneuver my way around the craziness that is metro DC, and I stumbled upon the impetus for this feeling inside (that I can't hide): The Baptist Church marquee. At that point I knew I could do nothing but fall in love with where I live. The marquee had the following written in glorious bold-face: "God is like Coca Cola. He's the real thing." Over the months, our corner church has provided many opportunities for my love to deepen. Here is the most recent:

Notify your face, man.


Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

That's one of my favorite parts of living in the bible belt! Our church is directly across from this huge baptist church and I can't wait to get to church each sunday to read their marquee! I wish our church had one as well, but it could never be as clever!

Schlofmans said...

I can see why you would fall in love with this place!

M. said...

I also <3 these signs... :)

mangrumminute said...

I love you Heather!!!

Lynnie said...

Is that the one that said, "God answers Knee-mail" a few weeks ago?

Heather Sanders said...

Lynn, I wish that they had the "knee mail" comment, but alas... all we've had lately are announcements for "electrifying Bible classes." That one is hilarious, though.